Friday, May 9, 2014

Final Self-Reflection

I enjoyed doing this project and learning more about an animal I have always been intrigued with.  It was fun to look up things about this animal that I normally wouldn't think to learn about.  I am glad that I spent time researching this animal, because I’m more knowledgeable about how it acts and is viewed throughout society.  I have always had positive thoughts about tigers, and this project just strengthened my views on them.  Overall I had a great time completing this project, and class as well.  I have learned to appreciate all animals, and that there is more to most of them than I had thought before. I wish I could take more classes like this, but even though I can’t I will be recommending this class to anyone who has an interest in animals.  

Moral Vision Statement

I believe that we need to treat non-human animals in more humane ways.  Animals should be viewed as amazing creatures and beings that share this world with us.  Too many people think that humans run the world, and it is only about us.  I don’t believe this at all.  People need to start respecting animals, and realizing that they are sentient beings with emotions and feelings just like us.  Animals can sense things that we can’t, and can even sometimes feel things that we can’t as well.  It does seem very unfair that certain animals are used for food or other products, but realistically there is no way to turn everyone in the world into a vegan.  There will always be animals that are hunted and put on farms for human consumption.  I think it’s important to treat them with respect, because after all they are giving the ultimate sacrifice for us, even though it’s against their will.  We also need to stop destroying these habitats that are crucial for certain animal’s survival and we need to stop hunting animals to the brink of extinction.  Don’t these people realize that once an animal is gone, it’s really gone?  Animals are a very important part of human life, and most people enjoy a special bond with their animals as well.  People need to treat every animal as if it were their pet at home.  Each animal needs to be seen as special, and I think after this becomes a universal agreement, we can live in harmony with humans and animals side by side.


Welfare of animals: Each organization cares for the welfare and health of the animal that is being owned.  Sometimes, however, the health of the animal suffers because there is not a large source of veterinarians that are equipped to handle certain exotic animals.  To compromise, those who own exotic animals need to find a qualified veterinarian beforehand and make sure to follow the guidelines they put out regarding the animal.  This way those who have an exotic pet can properly care for it, and those who are against the ownership can at least have peace of mind that the animal is being cared for.

Safety: Safety is a big issue for those who are against owning an exotic animal.  Those who do own them claim they are very safe, which may not be true 100% of the time.  There are more attacks caused by exotic animals than caused by domesticated animals every year.  The only compromise to this issue is to ban ownership of known dangerous exotic animals.  There are plenty of exotic animals that are not dangerous and can provide happiness to their owners.  Although those people who own large cats and other dangerous animals will not be happy, there is no equal compromise for this issue. 

Fairness:  There are issues regarding the fairness of laws concerning exotic animals from those who are for the ownership of them.  They don’t think it is the governments place to tell someone what type of animal they can and can’t have.  Those organizations that are against the ownership of exotic animals are for these laws.  A compromise for this issue would be to re-evaluate these laws and possibly change any that are overstepping the boundaries of what the government should be able to control or not. 

Controversial Topic – Con

Dear Human Society of America,

            I have looked at your reasoning as to not keep exotic animals as pets.  I agree with your reasons.  You state on your website that owning exotic animals can be dangerous, and one of the dangerous species is tigers.  You say that keeping big cats is also dangerous to the cats themselves because often times they are kept in small cages, and don’t have the same socialization skills as those in the wild.  I agree with this point, there is no possible way to make a cage big enough for a tiger to compare to the space it would have out in the wild, and make it safe to keep.  Tigers need to have plenty of space to run and hunt, not be cooped up in a cage for their entire lives. You also make a point saying that tigers are a threat to public safety, as well.  There are many cases of tiger attacks on children and adults throughout the US, and for this reason I also agree that they should not be kept.  Although a tiger may benefit from a human companionship, this may be the only benefit to keeping an exotic animal such as a tiger in ones home.  Great points and views on the ownership of exotic animals.

Vikki Imes

Controversial Topic – Pro

Dear Rexano,

            After doing some research on the nature of your group, I see that you are committed to supporting a person’s desire to own an exotic animal in their home.  Your organization believes that animals are personal property, and it is not the governments place to make legislation that restricts private ownership of exotic animals.  You say that exotic animals are used as therapy and assistance animals for war veterans, people that have been in accidents and senior citizens that are in nursing homes.  Your organization believes strongly in the proper care and humane treatment of exotic animals.  You say on your website that anyone owning an exotic animal should properly care for it and keep it in a clean environment that is protected from hazardous weather.  You also say that the animal needs to be provided with proper diet and fresh water at all times, and that exotic and wild animals benefit from human companionship.  These are great benefits to the animal, and need to be followed to be sure the animal has a long, healthy, and happy life.  Having an exotic animal can be a benefit to humans in a matter of happiness and joy in having a companion animal that most people do not have.  They may be able to form special bonds with their exotic animal, and this can be a truly special thing for the animal and the human as well.  I think it needs to be stressed to keep any potentially dangerous exotic animal in proper housing/caging as to not frighten those against the ownership of these exotic animals, and to raise the animal with respect and a healthy lifestyle to ensure positive behavior. 

Vikki Imes