Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Controversial Topic

One controversial topic concerning tigers especially, is the owning and trading/selling of exotic pets.  Tigers are commonly held as pets, and are usually obtained when they are young because of how cute and cuddly they are.  Once they grow older, however, they have unpredictable behavior and can potentially injure or kill people.  They also have been known to escape and can terrorize communities if let out to roam free.  The only benefit to keeping a tiger as a pet would be self satisfaction and happiness for the owner.  Tigers are not meant to be domesticated, and keeping them as a pet is a dangerous thing to do.  Usually when people get these exotic animals, they don't have access to the proper care, diet, housing or maintenance, which is dangerous for the animals.  In my opinion tigers should not be held as pets as it is dangerous not only for the people keeping the pets, but for the tigers as well.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that this is a controversial topic, because there's a lot of factor that need to consider to have a tiger as your pet. I ask the exotic pet vet near us, and said The cost of a Tiger includes many unexpected maintenance costs for housing, feeding, and veterinary care.
